Guidelines for authors


Volume of article: up to 1 publisher’s sheet
Please provide complete texts, i.e. containing:

  • contents of the article,
  • information on the author’s affiliation and the ORCID number,
  • a list of figures and figures together with publication rights in writing,
  • an abstract in English or Polish (1500 characters with spaces).
  • key words (5)
  • bibliography and index


  • Format: jpg, tiff, resolution: 300 dpi;
  • Captions as follows: the author of the work, object name or photograph title, date, owner of the object (institution or natural person), first and last name of the photographer or institution with copyrights to the photograph;
  • It is crucial to mark the place where a figure is included in the text (use references such as: fig. 1).

Footnotes and bibliography

The following shall be used: “ibidem”, “idem”, “eadem”, “op.cit.” (instead of: “in the same place”, etc.), “in:” (instead of: “[in:]”), “eds.”, “vid” (instead of: “cf.”, “see”), “transl.” (instead of: “tr.”), “p.” (instead of: “page”, “pp.”). Titles are italicized, journal titles are surrounded by quotation marks. E.g.:

1 A. Mickiewicz, Dzieła wszystkie, Warszawa 1980, v. 3, p. 13.
2 Idem, Inny tytuł, Kraków 1990, p. 15.
3 Ibidem, p. 34.
4 J. Słowacki, Wybrane utwory, w: J. Kowalski, Dzieła romantyków, Warszawa 1977, p. 13–20.
5 Książka o Juliuszu Słowackim, ed. A. Kowalski, Warszawa 1967, p. 45.
6 Słowacki, op.cit., p. 19.
7 Książka o Juliuszu…, p. 56.
8 Mickiewicz, Dzieła…, p. 17.
9 J. Kowalski, Parę zdań o Mickiewiczu, “Przegląd Historyczny”, v. 34, 2001, no. 8, p. 5.

Archival materials:

the name of the archive, the name of a set or collection, catalogue number, title of a document or file, date. If a given institution or archive is specified several times in footnotes/endnotes, its abbreviated name is used. E.g.:

1 Central Archives of Historical Records (hereinafter: AGAD), Government Commission for Internal Affairs (hereinafter: KRSW), catalogue number 6454, Pismo sekretarza stanu przy Radzie Administracyjnej do Komisji Rządowej Spraw Wewnętrznych, 10 September 1861, k. 5 v.

Other editorial principles:

  • spelling as prescribed by spelling dictionaries: Wielki słownik ortograficzny PWN and Wielki słowniki poprawnej polszczyzny PWN,
  • titles of works and foreign phrases should be italicized, quotes should be in quotation marks,
  • abbreviations such as: y. (year), c. (century), ca. (circa), 1st half, XVI century.